

The University of California San Francisco-Gladstone Institute of Virology and Immunology Center for AIDS Research (UCSF-GIVI CFAR) coordinates a robust program focused on interdisciplinary research in HIV disease. Hundreds of investigators use our administrative and scientific cores and services to support translational, collaborative research occurring at the intersection of basic, clinical, and population sciences. The CFAR's developmental and mentorship programs help to ensure a strong future for scientific research.

The UCSF-GIVI CFAR is directed by Warner C. Greene, MD, PhD, Director of the Gladstone Institute of Virology and Immunology and Paul A. Volberding, MD, Principal Investigator; Professor, UCSF Department of Medicine; Director, UCSF AIDS Research Institute; Director of Research, UCSF Global Health Sciences. All aspects of the program's governance are informed by an active Internal Advisory Board and the Scientific Council.


The UCSF-GIVI Center for AIDS Research seeks to expand HIV research occurring at the intersections of basic, clinical, and behavioral/ epidemiological scientific disciplines. Our Center's central goal is facilitating scientific progress in HIV by providing the broadest community of member investigators across our distributed research environment with direct and indirect resources such as access to emerging technologies and the availability of dynamic scientific cores.

National CFAR Network

The UCSF-GIVI CFAR is part of a national network coordinated by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) in collaboration with many National Institutes of Health (NIH) centers. Created in 1988, the program promotes and encourages research activities that enhance collaboration and coordination of AIDS research--especially interdisciplinary collaborations between basic and clinical investigators--to facilitate movement of laboratory findings (benchside) to the clinic (bedside) and vice versa. Within this multidisciplinary environment, CFAR activities are expected and designed to promote basic, clinical, epidemiological, behavioral, and translational research in the prevention, detection, and treatment of HIV infection and AIDS.
